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Home care packages

What is Home Care services?

As we get older some aspects of living at home can be more challenging, but we are still able to manage most of the time and want to continue living at home safely. Home care services provide the support to remain living in your own home. Getting a little in-home care with daily activities means you can stay independent in your own home for longer. Home Care services program supports older people who need support and coordinated services to continue living at home. The Australian Government provides a subsidy to approved home care providers towards a package of care, services, and case management to meet their individual needs.

Who is eligible for home care services?

If you are 65 years of age or older (50 years or older for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people) and need help with daily tasks you qualify for an assessment. To request an assessment, phone My Aged Care on 1800 200 422, or your doctor or health care professional can refer you ( A person must be assessed by an Aged Care Assessment Service (ACAS) to be eligible for a Home Care Package.

What are in-home care services?

You can access different services like help with showering, dressing, cleaning, meal preparation, going shopping, or attending social activities as part of the home care services. All the home care services are provided on a Consumer Directed Care basis ( You have the choice and flexibility in the way that the in-home care and support are provided. The three main categories of home care services are:

  • Services to keep you well and independent
  • Services to keep you safe in your home 
  • Services to keep you connected to your community

Does Medicare cover home care services?     

The Australian Government provides a subsidy to approved home care providers like Home Care Assistance of South East Melbourne towards a package of care, services, and case management to meet your individual needs. You have the choice to choose a home care service provider that is right for you. The government then pays your provider a subsidy to arrange home care services to meet your needs. As everyone’s care needs are different, there are four levels of Home Care Packages with different funding amounts. These cover basic in-home care needs through to high care needs.

How much are home care services?

If you can afford then you are expected to pay for some of the cost of your home care services. You work with your provider to identify your in-home care needs and decide how best to spend your government-funded package. Some people may also have to pay an income-tested care fee. Whether you pay it, and how much of it you pay, is determined through a formal income assessment from Services Australia. (  And you may need to pay for extra in-home care and services

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