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Home Care Assistance

Our Care Approach

Home Care Assistance takes a unique approach to the care of older Australians. We offer personalised services and care management to each and every individual. We are able to achieve this by attracting the most innovative, creative, compassionate and committed employees.
  • Hourly Care
  • 24 Hour Care
  • Hospital to Home
  • Specialised Care

Our Approach

Holistic Health and Wellness – the Balanced Care Method™

The Balanced Care Method™ is a holistic approach to care for older Melbournians that promotes a healthy mind, body and spirit, based on the lifestyles of the longest-living people in the world.

Elevating the standard of care – one person at a time

At Home Care Assistance South East Melbourne, our care team’s goal is to work in partnership with families to create personalised care plans that support the best quality of life for their loved ones.

Our care philosophy focuses on the wellness of older Melbournians and bringing energy, independence and joy to this special phase of life through our specialised programs.

Hiring and Training the Industry’s Best

Our Care Workers at Home Care Assistance South East Melbourne are the heart and soul of our company, and our clients tell us they feel like family to them too. That is why we have a specific team dedicated to recruiting, screening and training only the very best Care Workers. We conduct thorough background checks and can even administer a psychological examination developed by PhD psychologists to assess honesty and conscientiousness. Our Care Workers are bonded, insured and specially trained in Alzheimer’s and Dementia care, post-hospitalisation care, healthy cooking techniques, and more!

Personalised Care Management

Whether you are experiencing our complimentary in-person consultations, our personalised care plans or our regular quality assurance visits, you will see our Care Team is both knowledgeable and accessible to you 24/7. At Home Care Assistance South East Melbourne, our Care Team to client ratio is 3x the industry average so we can provide unrivalled personal attention to your loved one. Additionally, we can liaise and co-ordinate with health care professionals and provide clear lines of communication to all family members.

Home Care Advantage Checklist

We know finding the right care for your loved one can be overwhelming.

Our Home Care Advantage Checklist below provides a guide to the important questions to ask when researching in home care in Melbourne.

How We Compare To Other Providers The Home Care Assistance Advantage
Has the company been responsive, informative and professional?

At Home Care Assistance South East Melbourne, we are available 24/7 as a trusted and experienced resource for you and your family.

Are the Care Workers screened and insured?

We conduct extensive screening and background checks on our Care Workers because they become our valued employees.

Does the company employ its Care Workers and take care of taxes, withholding and workers’ compensation?
Our Care Workers at Home Care Assistance South East Melbourne are our employees, not contractors.
Does the company guarantee a personality match and offer Care Worker interviews?
We work hard at Home Care Assistance South East Melbourne to ensure a personality match and will not change your Care Worker unless prompted by you to do so.
Does the company offer back-up Care Workers in case of emergency?
Because our Care Workers are part of our team, we have an extensive roster of consistently skilled staff available for all individuals’ needs.
Is the Care Manager available on-call 24/7, including nights and weekends?
At Home Care Assistance South East Melbourne, we know life goes on after business hours finish, so we are available 24/7 to address your families’ and individuals’ needs, including evenings, holidays and weekends.
Does the company perform regular quality assurance visits, satisfaction reviews and Care Worker evaluations?
We routinely measure and monitor our service, satisfaction levels and pride ourselves on open communication which means we are recognised as a leader in the in-home care industry in Melbourne and around the world.
Does the company have experience helping those who are experiencing memory loss associated with ageing or Alzheimer’s?
Home Care Assistance South East Melbourne Care Workers provide our exclusive Cognitive Therapeutics Method™ as part of our care to promote long-term brain health and engagement.

Let us help you

Home Care Assistance SE Melbourne can help. Call Our Team today for your complimentary in-home assessment.

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Industry Leader

We're committed to elevating In-Home Care, Sharing Our Expertise, and Supporting Care Workers which is why we are Internationally recognised as an Industry Leader